10 Milieu & groene leefomgeving
 >  Water pollution
Discussion > Discuss this with your colleagues!

Discuss the following topics with each other:

  1. Can you think of other measures to prevent pollution?
  2. Can the work preparation department also contribute to the prevention of pollution? If so, in what way?

Sometimes we work near or on water. This poses a risk that materials or substances end up in the water. In order to prevent such water pollution, Heijmans has agreements in place with the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate. Heijmans is the first contractor in the Netherlands to agree on a set of rules with the Inspectorate.

These rules are strictly monitored by the government. Checks can be performed by:

  • The Inspectorate
  • The Water Board or Water Authority.

Violation of the rules can result in hefty fines.

Risks > What can happen?

The surface water can become contaminated as a result of materials or substances that end up in the water.

For example:

  • oil
  • sawdust or wood chips
  • cement residues
  • welding spatters
Sawdust can fall down between the joins in planks
Tarpaulin catches cement residue
Measures > What you must do

Avoid surface water pollution

  • Place the planks of a working platform close together.
  • Use a tarpaulin where necessary.
  • Always use a tarpaulin when cleaning a cement mixer to catch any cement residue.
  • Use a welding blanket when welding over water. This will prevent welding spatters from ending up in the water.

Is it impossible to prevent pollution? Report the situation to your supervisor and write up a GO! in consultation with them. App notification.

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