05 Steigers, hoogwerkers en klimvoorzieningen
 >  Ladders or stepladders
Discussion > Talk with your colleagues about it!
  1. A ladders may be used as a gangway.
  2. Technically, a ladder may only be used to overcome a height difference.
  3. You may take anything up on the ladder.

During this toolbox meeting we will discuss the safety of ladders. The ladder is not a work place, but a means to access a work place. Only when there is no safer equipment to use (fixed scaffold, mobile scaffold or a mobile elevating work platform), the ladder may be used as a work place, as a rare exception.

Risks > What can happen?
  • The ladder may topple or slide away.
  • Stumbling on the ladder.
  • Losing your balance.
Measures > What must you do?
  • Ensure that the substrate is solid.
  • Cordon off the area when you are working on a ladder in a door opening.
  • Secure the top or bottom of the ladder to prevent sliding.
  • It is forbidden to use the upper part(s) of an extension or a reform ladder as a separate ladder. The reason for this being that these do not have flared rails and/or stabilization bar. 
  • Stand on two feet and hold the ladder with at least one hand.
  • Inform your line manager if the ladder is not in a good condition and remain from using it.
  • Check if the ladder has been approved. If not, report this to your line manager.
  • Never have more than one person stand on a ladder at a time.
  • Keep the ladder clean.
  • A ladder that leads to a higher work platform / floor, must stick out at least 1 metre above this platform or floor.
  • Carry your tools in a bag that can be slung over your shoulder.
Ladder too short/not cordoned off
Correct set-up ladder
Wrong angle ladder
Tips > For more information




Questions about photos below

  • Photo A: Up to which step of this reform ladder may you climb?
  • Photo B: What is wrong on this photo?
  • Photo C: What must you do if a ladder is showing signs of cracks or other types of defects?