The circular saw and the crosscut saw are essential tools on a construction site.
They are used to perform the following activities:
The circular saw is used to process wood.
The sawing of materials such as tempex is dangerous and is not permitted. Use one of the tools with filament depicted below to cut tempex.
Personal protective equipment:
The Heijmans stance is that gloves should not be worn. This includes tight-fitting gloves, as listed in the Abomafoon (Health & Safety guide). The reason for this is that each individual can have a different interpretation of “close-fitting” gloves. Close-fitting gloves offer almost no extra protection against bumps and cuts. In addition, there is a risk that employees will use gloves that are insufficiently close-fitting, which increases the risk of the glove and the hand being gripped by the saw blade. The risk that employees will use insufficiently tight-fitting gloves thus outweighs the benefit of close-fitting gloves.
Saw blade:
The saw blade must be set to the maximum height, to reduce the risk of recoil by the
Protective cover:
Riving knife:
Guide rails:
Push stick:
Order and tidiness: