Take a look at figures 3, 4 and 5 and answer the questions.
During this Toolbox meeting we will focus on right angle grinders and grinding discs.
The following types of discs are often used at Heijmans:
Grinding discs
Note: This applies to all synthetic resin-bonded deburring and cutting discs, and therefore to stone and concrete grinding discs and fixed bench-mounted machines as well. Do not use any discs whose expiry date has past. Cutting discs and burring discs have a use-by date.
If the grinding disc contains the expiry date V04 2021 (04 = month of April), this means that the disc may only be used until April 2021. V01 = quarterly month January, V04 = April, V07 = July and V10 October.
Use the following personal protective equipment (PPE):